The Top 10 Worst Presidents
This is an opinion list, not including Trump.
1. Warren G. Harding
He became president just to have money. He was only president for two years. He died of being poisoned by his wife. Or maybe a heart attack. He said very bad quotes, probably the worst quotes of any president. Here’s one: “My God, this is a Hell of a job! I have no trouble with my enemies… But my damn friends. They’re the ones that keep me walking the floor nights.” He ranks low in each Sienna poll. He’s believed to have been racist.
But he did end WWI. And he was kind of a nice guy.
2. Richard Nixon
Nixon was liar. In fact, he was so bad he was almost impeached. Nixon used his power for bad things. And he said this: “ People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook. I’ve earned everything I’ve got.” And he did the most famous scandal, Watergate, where he took stuff from the Democratic office because he was a Republican.
One good thing: he was a peace maker with other countries.
3. Andy Jackson
Why Andrew Jackson?!! Well, he may have had a lot of good stuff about him, but he also had a lot of bad stuff. He killed someone who insulted his wife. He sent Indians to Oklahoma. It was called the Trail of Tears. It went up to the Supreme Court, and it said “NO!” But he did it anyway. And then he did it all over again with other Indians.
The good thing is that, if we were his friend, he would take good care of us. He seemed like he really loved his wife.
(sigh) Off of Jackson…
4. James Buchanan
James Buchanan was a dough face. That means he was a person from the North who didn’t really care if people owned slaves. This man wanted Kansas to be a slave state. And, most famous of all, he didn’t do anything when the Civil War started because he was afraid the country would divide. In the Sienna Poll 2018, he was ranked the worst president after Andrew Johnson. I think he didn’t like Lincoln.
5. Franklin Pierce
He was also a dough face. It seems like he was a big part of making women sad, like he ran over an old lady with his horse and when he was nominated his wife fainted. And he signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act that made the Compromise of 1850 stop and made people in parts of Kansas fight over slavery and probably led to the Civil War. That turned out not to be the best idea.
6. George W. Bush
George W. Bush started two wars. I would have thought he was a bad guy, but his vice president was bossing him around.
However, he was president during 9/11, and he was a nice guy.
7. Herbert Hoover
Herbert Hoover did nothing when a recession happened, and he changed it into the Great Depression.
8. Andrew Johnson
He vetoed too many laws that Congress had made about slavery being bad, but they usually overrode his veto. He was the first president to be impeached.
Two good things are that, even though he was from the South, he still fought for the North, and he fought for the poor people.
9. Benjamin Harrison
He wasn’t a terrible president, he just didn’t do much in office.
10. Gerald Ford
He also wasn’t a bad president. He just didn’t do much in office.
Originally published at on May 25, 2020.