A Study of Presidential Hair
The presidents’ hair, ordered by each president’s age at death / current age:
TOP ROW: Carter, George H. W. Bush, Ford, Reagan, John Adams, Hoover (twice), Truman, Madison, Jefferson
SECOND ROW: Jefferson (again), Nixon, John Q Adams, Van Buren (mutton chops!), Eisenhower (little hair), Jackson, Buchanan (twice), Fillmore (twice)
THIRD ROW: Random Circle, Trump, George W. Bush, Clinton, Monroe, Taft, Tyler, Cleveland, Hayes (with beard), William Harrison, Washington
FOURTH ROW: Benjamin Harrison, Wilson, Andrew Johnson (twice), Taylor
FIFTH ROW: Pierce, LBJ, Grant, FDR, Coolidge, Teddy Roosevelt, McKinley, Obama, Harding, Arthur
SIXTH ROW: Lincoln, Polk (six times!), Garfield (twice)